On an enthusiastic day, high school students from Saint John's Catholic School participated in the "Workshops Campus Visit" event. The workshop aims to inspire and motivate students to develop their talents and interests in the field of digital content. It is organized by the lecturers from the Indonesian Television Academy (ATVI) and the School of Technopreneur Nusantara (SOTN), who have extensive experience in the media industry. They share knowledge and insights on becoming a technopreneur in digital media content. Participants are encouraged to understand the importance of creativity, innovation, and technological understanding as the foundation for creating engaging and relevant content in today's era.
One of the highlights of the event is the Studio Multicam Production Demo presented by the instructors. Participants get to witness firsthand how media content production is done using multicam techniques. They are given the opportunity to observe the complex process of filming and stage setup, allowing them to appreciate the hard work and collaboration required in the industry.
The event also features a renowned News Anchor, Skolastika Sylvia from Liputan 6 SCTV, who shares valuable experiences as a news reporter and news presenter. Skolastika Sylvia shares inspirational stories about her career journey, the challenges she has faced, and the keys to success in the field of news reporting. Participants are inspired by her dedication and passion in delivering news with integrity and intelligence.
The "Workshops Campus Visit" activity is expected to provide valuable insights to the students of Saint John's School about the career potential in the digital content industry. Through the knowledge and experience gained in this workshop, participants are expected to develop their creativity in creating high-quality and relevant content that aligns with the current trends.
We hope that events like this will continue to be organized to inspire the younger generation to explore their potential in the media and digital content field. The support from experienced instructors and successful speakers in the industry is instrumental in opening opportunities and motivating students to take bold steps forward as technopreneurs in the digital era.
School of Technopreneur Nusantara (SOTN), which is also an integral part of the EMTEK Group, is delighted to have had the privilege of participating in the EMTE