SOTN Receives Free Health Socialization from the Yayasan Pemerhati Kanker Indonesia

SOTN Receives Free Health Socialization from the Yayasan Pemerhati Kanker Indonesia

  • Created At : March 21, 2024
  • Posted By : Administrator
  • Category : SOTN
School of Technopreneur Nusantara (SOTN) received a visit from the Yayasan Pemerhati Kanker Indonesia (YPKI) who provided free health socialization. This visit is expected to increase awareness among all SOTN families about cancer and tumor diseases. In the socialization, YPKI shared very important materials, including the definition of cancer and the risk factors for the disease. The material also includes how to recognize and detect early symptoms of cancer, as well as healthy and cost-effective ways to avoid cancer. In addition, YPKI also provided information on preventing cancer using herbal remedies. This activity is very beneficial for all SOTN families, as it provides a better understanding of the importance of early detection and prevention of cancer. It is hoped that with the knowledge gained from this socialization, all SOTN families can be more vigilant against cancer and can take the right preventive measures. SOTN thanks the YPKI for this valuable health socialization. Hopefully, the knowledge provided can be a provision for all SOTN families in maintaining health and preventing cancer.

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