In celebration of the 78th Indonesian Independence Day, the spirit of unity and mutual assistance colored the festivities in RT 05 / RW 10, Kelurahan Gembor, Kecamatan Periuk, Tangerang. The peak of the celebration took place on August 19, 2023, and the event radiated a sense of togetherness.Mr. H. Nurhalim as a Neighbourhood Head and all residents of RT 05 / RW 10 joined in making this grand evening a joyous occasion. Not only the residents, but also the Karang Taruna, nurtured and encouraged by SOTN, actively participated in this event, making it a tangible expression of Community Service.Furthermore, SOTN provided an informative presentation to the residents of RT 05 / RW 10. Mr. Alfredo Pasaribu, M.Kom, as the Head of Division I at SOTN, wholeheartedly dedicated a website as a means to display information related to RT 05 and to promote local SMEs managed by the residents of RT 05.Mr. Andri Irawan, MM, as the Head of Division II, awarded certificates of participation to the event organizers. Not only that, he also granted a 50% scholarship for studying at SOTN in the next academic year as an appreciation of the dedication of the residents of RT 05 / RW 10.The event proceeded smoothly and was adorned with various lively competitions and prize distributions. All of this is concrete evidence of how the spirit of celebrating Indonesian Independence Day can bring happiness and strengthen social bonds within the community.
The excitement at the School of Technopreneur Nusantara (SOTN) continued to burn brightly on the second day of the 2023 New Student Orientation Program (PKKMB).