School of Technopreneur Nusantara (SOTN)
As a form of institutional administrative responsibility for program implementation
work every year, the STMIK Kuwera Annual Report is prepared.
In general, annual reports consist of two categories, namely related reports
with the achievements of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education activities (in the fields of
education and teaching,
research and community service) and reports related to activities
supporting the Tri Dharma of Higher Education (general and financial fields, student
and alumni, cooperation sector, equipment and inventory sector).
This annual report contains the results that have been achieved over a period of 1 year
which is expected to become a reference in implementing the current year's program.
Besides that,
The annual report also contains various obstacles faced and the efforts taken
in overcoming it.
It is hoped that the annual report will provide a comprehensive picture of
STMIK Kuwera which also serves as an evaluation of the implementation of work programs
and activities
annually, as well as input materials for improving the following year's work program,
as material for consideration in future policy making.